
August 20, 2017

Total Eclipse of Supply - Why are Solar Eclipse Glasses Impossible to Find?

America is gearing up for its first total solar eclipse in well over a quarter century, and there’s something strange going on near the path of totality. No, I’m not talking about the possibility of Lizard Man sightings during the eclipse, but rather the fact that there appears to be a shortage of the cheap disposable solar eclipse viewing glasses that are essential to wear if you want to look at the sun without permanently damaging your eyes. This article, from Denver, describes the difficulty that people from Oregon to South Carolina are experiencing in finding the glasses in the waning hours before Monday’s eclipse. I’ve discussed shortages before on this blog, so why is this one so strange/unexpected?
A total eclipse over the United States is a once-in-a-generation phenomenon
(Photo credit: NASA  via Wikimedia Commons)
The shortage of solar eclipse glasses is interesting because it should qualify as a relatively competitive market (many buyers and sellers; free entry/exit; etc…), and the product is relatively inexpensive and quick to manufacture and distribute. In addition, science allows us to predict future eclipses far into the foreseeable future, so it’s not like this event suddenly snuck up on everyone. Thus, despite there being no specific laws placing a price ceiling on solar eclipse viewing glasses (some states’ general price gouging laws could potentially apply, but I’m not aware of any being applied at this time), a shortage of eclipse viewing glasses has emerged. So, you may be asking yourself, what kind of factors would contribute to such an economic anomaly?

When a competitive market experiences a shortage, it usually adjusts for the disequilibrium created (quantity demanded > quantity supplied) by increasing prices until the market reaches equilibrium. This occurs because, as prices rise, more suppliers are willing to produce more eclipse glasses, and at the same time some consumers stop demanding pairs of glasses because the price gets too high for them. We expect this to take a bit of time to occur, but even if there were no additional time to produce more pairs of glasses the price of glasses should increase a lot until enough consumers drop out and there is no longer a shortage.
The path of "totality" stretches from coast to coast!
(Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
There are two interesting things that appear to be occurring with eclipse glasses. First, it appears that both producers and consumers may have underestimated the Demand for these glasses. This is likely do in large part to the rarity of total solar eclipses in the United States. It’s hard to predict the level of Demand without much historical data, especially due to the lack of eclipses that could be hyped up by so many internet and 24/7 news stories. When stores that don’t typically sell eclipse glasses (hardware stores, gas stations, etc…) were deciding how many pairs of glasses to order to stock their shelves, they seem to have preferred erring on the side of underestimating Demand. This makes sense; while eclipse glasses are relatively cheap to produce and store, their value drops to almost nothing after the eclipse on 08/21/2017. The next total solar eclipse in the US is not until 2024, and only overlaps with this year’s path around southern Illinois/southeast Missouri. That leaves a lot of stores across the nation that would have to store any excess glasses with very few potential buyers after Monday.

The second complication, that may be the most interesting to an economist, is that many groups began advertising several weeks before the event that they would be handing out eclipse glasses for free. Some were schools, museums, and other government institutions who may have been seeking to promote the “public good” by helping protect people’s eyes while encouraging people to pay attention to this scientific phenomenon. Others were retail establishments, including many optometrists, who used the free glasses as a form of advertising and a way to get potential customers in their doors. No matter their reasons, these free glasses seemed to have two effects. First, many suppliers knew they’d be trying to sell glasses against others who were giving them away for free, and so they logically ordered fewer than they otherwise would have. Second, many consumers (like me) heard that there were free glasses available, and chose to pass by those that were for sale in the store a few weeks before the eclipse.
Were you able to snag a pair of these stylish and necessary frames?
(Photo credit:
By the time everyone realized that Demand was much higher than expected, it appears to have been too late. No longer being able to find free glasses around town, consumers turned to the stores selling the glasses. Prices appear to have been a bit “sticky”, with the high Demand not being fully revealed to the stores selling the glasses until they had almost sold out. If they had raised their prices immediately only to find that Demand was low, consumers would have only bought from their competitors, and they would have been left with a large excess of glasses with no buyers.

One additional complication in this ordeal was the emergence of “fake” solar glasses sold on Amazon and elsewhere. Many people purchased glasses for themselves and their families only to be told that they may not be fully protected from the solar rays after all, and that they would need to find the “approved” version of the glasses. Whole counties even ordered and distributed these unapproved glasses! As any given person only needs one pair of approved glasses to view the eclipse, many people who would have otherwise been satisfied and not purchased more glasses at any (positive) price were now thrust back into the market to try to buy a pair of glasses in time.

We typically expect a market to self-equilibrate over time, unless some sort of barrier (such as a price control) keeps it from doing so. With the Great Eclipse of 2017, we can see that a confluence of unique circumstances has created a shortage of eclipse glasses that it appears will persist through the end of the phenomenon. With a little economic insight, we can “shed some light” on this mystery, just in time for Monday’s darkness.